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Posts posted by Drone456

  1. These seem like really interesting changes. Thank you guys for looking at community feedback and integrating it so quickly. Looking forward to seeing what final shape these take, and having it in the game.

    As it pertains to this as well, I would really like to ask for a colorblind feature of some sort if possible. I have no idea if this is already something that is in the works, and my apologies if it is. However, it is quite difficult for me personally on this game to see some of the UI elements, and different gameplay details.

    Such as:
    1) Charges remaining on tactical items. Almost impossible for me personally to tell the red from the black on this.
    2) The pips on negative status effects. I'm assuming that you can actually tell how many pips are colored red? For effects like bleed. I personally cannot.
    3) Weirdly, as I normally don't have issues with blue (unless it's close to purple), the water indicator when travelling is actually really hard to discern. I can tell, but it is oddly not easy. I thought for a while that I just had too much water, and didn't concern myself with it, until I got notified my guys were about to dehydrate haha. As I only passively looked at it.
    4)  Those mock-up indicators for the trackers. Those images are big, so I can again see the red on the black. But it's not too easy, and I can already tell that when implemented, that if smaller, will be all but invisible to me.

    As for what form the colorblind feature could take. I personally would advocate for allowing the user to select the colors themselves. For example:spacer.pngspacer.png

    If not something like this. I think just having a toggle for punching up the colors might work. Part of the problem is how de-saturated they sort of are. And maybe included with said toggle, making the reds, orange.

    Just please don't do the color filter that some games do. Where all colors are changed in the game, and not just UI elements. I don't know if some people actually prefer these, but personally I hate this implementation of colorblind accessibility. I don't want the entire world a different color, and to completely tank artistic intent/vision. Just to make gameplay significant UI features easier to see.

    Hopefully this is something that can be implemented down the line, and isn't too intensive to do so. As I'm sure the team is busy enough. But at least me personally, would love to see this changed.

    Thanks a lot for reading! Sorry about the short essay haha.

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