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Posts posted by Rulin

  1. Also what's up with cavallery, range and infantry units during the legion simulation? Is there any way to use them strategically? (flank with horses, skirmish with archers...)
    You cannot buy them seperately, so why are they shown there, what role do they play during battle and what determines their ratio?

  2. A few more questions:
    Will there be also changes to the way centurions earn xp during legion battles?
    Will we see how much they earn? Do commanding centurions earn more xp?
    How much does a 50% unlocked perk contribute vs a fully unlocked perk. (infantry for example)
    Will one infantry perk add 1 towards the count or is it a higher value?
    Why do some centurions only have 4 perks instead of 6?
    What happens when all perks are fully unlocked, will there be more ways to improve the centurion other then his morale or will the progression end at that point?

  3. Can you please add mouseover tooltips how survival- and success-chance, as well as insubordination risk are calculated, when the commanders for selection are presented?
    I think these values don't have a tooltip atm and this would help understanding these percentages a bit better. Players will then also know how to affect them in a positive way.

  4. 1 hour ago, GOWLIKEABOSS said:

    Can the difficulty of legion battles be made to increase with the difficulty you select for your game at the start? All the legion battles seem extremely easy, and on Insane difficulty that is a bit of a disappointment.

    Or even better, make a seperate setting  specifically for legion battles, so you can adjust it during a playthrough when it feels like it is too easy.

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  5. Just wanted to add that maybe having the phases structured in a terminology that is a bit more clear/structured, like:
    - Pre battle/planning
    - Charge
    - Ruse/maneuver
    - Post Battle
    could be a good idea, since it will reflect more the spectacle of a battle against a roman legion. At least from my (limited) understanding. And then have the strategems connected to the single phases. Maybe that is already the case, it is just not easy to realize then.

  6. While watching the legion battles, I was wondering what kind of rock-paper-scissors mechanic is going on.

    Sometimes It shows a Shield vs Something (shield, bow or cavallery for example), and then either a checkmark or a red cross.
    Does this mean a centurion perk has encountered an enemy perk, basically a check, and then succeded/failed?
    Is this just a random thing happening in every battle, does the enemy always come with unit perks like these? Is it happening in a specific round/phase?
    Is there any way you can tactically exploit occurences like these?
    Will future changes to the system allow for more agency?

  7. On 9/14/2021 at 1:21 AM, Foca said:

    The weapons skill system is confusing to read about, but we'll see it in 2 days. Does a weapon unlock more abilities as it gets better and it randomizes on the weapon tier's abilities (for example, a tier 2 drop has all tier 1 abilities and randomizes tier 2), or you get random abilities through the whole ability tree  with each drop, and the better ones have a chance to not have some of the more basic abilities (it may be slight, but still a chance)?


    Yeah, it is a bit confusing. I guess partly because we often have many other RPG experiences and there are certain things we are used to and expect. Reading a short summary of a new system mixes with these, but end up creating just more questions.
    I personally don't think the items will "grow" with you. The way I understood it, watching the dev stream, is that you will have to either dismantle/salvage the item and use it for a new one, or use the upgrade system to get a higher tier version with some randomization in terms of stat values.
    For example a Tier 1 / 5-15 dmg Dagger can become a Tier 2 / 6-18 or a 7-17 dmg Dagger.

    What I don't understand is what they mean with tiers? When I hear tiers I see green, blue and purple items. But most of the time these will also have item-levels. (often as a hidden value) So a legendary t4 shortswort from the beginning will be much weaker than a rare shortsword you find in late game.

    Is this how it works in this game?

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