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Posts posted by NeedMoreDonuts

  1. Wonderful Devdiary. A few question then for clarification:
     1) As sieges mark the end of an act(for the most part), will any unfinished/hidden sidequest automatically fail or will you have a chance to go back and finish them?

    2) On the topic of catapults, are there any prerequisites such as research or resource investment before they can be used during the siege? Are the catapults limited in their usage or can they be used throughout each phase of the siege? Also, will all parties be able to use them or can they only be used by the "Main Assault" group as shown in two accompanying screenshots.

    3) Is it possible to stop a siege midway if you find yourself at an impasse or do you have no choice but to either soldier on or load an earlier save?

    4) I understand if you cant answer this question as it can be spoiler-ly but can you actually fail a siege but still progress in the story or does every act require you to win them to continue on?

    5) One of the screenshots shows the player receiving allied reinforcements. Will their death affect legion manpower in any way? Do we have any incentive to limit their losses or can we use them as fodder to achieve our goals.

    Greatly anticipating the release of your game.

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