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Posts posted by Thorl

  1. Looking forward to this game, thanks for making it, and hope it's a great success. Some thoughts....

    - Expanding on ideas presented above regarding sabotage. Night missions destroying supplies should be your character and party on a small tactical map where you attack some camp defenders and forge into their camp before being forced to pull back since more and more of their troops are waking up, putting on armor etc (basically "unlimited waves" of enemy troops). So chances of destroying "all" supplies in that part of the camp is slim, but theoretically possible (be it weapons, arrows, food, water containers). Sure unfair but you are attacking a camp of thousands. High probability of injury for those that go on mission.

    Remaining would be card based vs tactical as above.
    - Enemy A has allies B and C and neighbors D and E, Using same tactic as used against A vs B or C has a lower success rate or benefit because they learned that's a favorite tactic. Against D and E no penalty unless they're allied with B or C when B or C is attacked.
    - Scouts quality/numbers vs quality/numbers of enemy scouts (which can only be part of light troops and horsemen) find best place suited for battle giving terrain related bonuses. Terrain where for instance shield walls would be effective. Specialized troops that are light in armor/weapons so not great in combat and can die/be wounded pre-battle, but useful pre-battle.
    - Horsemen portion of your army acting as harassers of enemy army, success rate based on difference between your army horsemen count/quality vs enemy horsemen count.
    - Often opposing armies were made up of multiple village bands, so if using horsemen to attack nearby village, it may break off a percentage of the army as they decide to go and defend their home. Alternate tactic to above where opposite force has higher number of horse, but it may backfire leaving you with limited horse if the enemy horse does not choose to rush back to defend their homes. Attacking a bigger village may pull off bigger enemy portion but will suffer greater attrition as part of the mission.
    - Ambushes where scouts fail to detect opposing army allowing other army to attack an unprepared long column (which works for/against roman army)
    - Bribery leading to betrayal of subgroup within the army so it leaves the field just prior to battle
    - Money sink having a portion of budget attributed to spies/bribes giving you good information on troop movements/village locations, including potentially attacking part of the enemy army before it merges, then fighting a second battle against remaining, not much chance to heal but, a better chance that attacking a combined force
    - Larger forces take time to gather and merge giving the roman army time to build limited fortifications spikes into the ground, pits, and set up scorpio/ballista to limit cavalry and slowing down infantry
    - Perhaps give players a choice of cards attack smaller groups with semi-random time between battles depending on distance factors, or dig in and fight the combined force (related to above two points)

    - Conversely, an action from back home alerts the enemy to your location, or fails to "show up to reinforce" leaving your much smaller army to face a larger opponent leading you to tactical withdrawals.

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