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Posts posted by Redglyph

  1. 3 hours ago, Rulin said:

    While watching the legion battles, I was wondering what kind of rock-paper-scissors mechanic is going on.

    Sometimes It shows a Shield vs Something (shield, bow or cavallery for example), and then either a checkmark or a red cross.
    Does this mean a centurion perk has encountered an enemy perk, basically a check, and then succeded/failed?
    Is this just a random thing happening in every battle, does the enemy always come with unit perks like these? Is it happening in a specific round/phase?
    Is there any way you can tactically exploit occurences like these?
    Will future changes to the system allow for more agency?

    I agree that there are a lot of things happening on the screen during the battle and it's not always clear to me either. 😁 It's mostly cosmetics and informative, and it doesn't make it more difficult to play though.

    Regarding the phases, unless I misunderstood you, the phases are: formation, engagement, complications, resolution. Once you have the workshop you can see all the stratagems of each phase (each seems to belong to one specific phase as you suspected), and launch a research to add more of them. Maybe that seeing this earlier would help.

  2. To be confirmed by them, but I see on Steam that the -20% offer ends in more than 45h, so that would mean at about 19:00 CET on January 20th (the "unlock" indication is more vague but tells about the same). So 1pm your time.

    GOG is usually at the same time but not always so I'll have the surprise. 😄

  3. I'm late for this question but I'll ask anyway.

    I really liked what I've heard of the soundtrack, will it be available as media files for us to play outside the game? It's not shown as a deliverable in the game, but I see that for Viking there was a separate DLC for that (on the same day according to GOG).

  4. Hello, I'm Redglyph or Red.

    • Expeditions: Viking. My first contact with Expeditions, after following the Dev Diaries for a while, was the demo of Rome. I wanted to see another game of the series before the release, so I recently started Viking. Too early to tell which will be my favourite 😇
    • Classical RPGs, favourites being Pathfinder Kingmaker & WotR. Also played D:OS, PoE, Encased, ATOM, Solasta... Other than that, I used to play a lot on flight sims like P3D, X-Plane, IL2, DCS, for training and for fun. Then some puzzle games like Exapunks, Opus Magnum, The Swapper, ...
    • No pet but we've got a lot of squirrels and other, bigger animals wandering around. Squirrels are really messy and disorganized animals 😂

    Really enjoying Viking, and enjoyed the demo of Rome. The historical dimension is definitely a plus for me in tactical games, it's the perfect occasion to brush up on forgotten knowledge and to learn something more than just a ruleset.

  5. Very exciting, I'm really looking forward to the game 🙂

    Would it be possible to clarify how companions may die? And perhaps how that is different for "story" companions vs "non-story" characters?

    From the two in-game screenshots below, I understand that:

    • story companions don't die in combat unless the Combat Death option is turned ON
    • non-story NPCs may die in combat from their injuries if not treated (but they won't be instantly killed by enemies)

    Could story companions still die from their injuries after the combat due to injuries (or possibly injuries from something else), even if Combat Death is OFF?

    PS: And can they / must they be treated outside of combat, for ex. during camp, like in Expeditions: Viking?



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